This commercial by English razor company, Wilkinson Sword (known as Schick in the US), titled, "Fight for Kisses" from 2008, depicts, in a Sims-esque animation style, the deep-rooted animosity between men and their newborn off spring as they battle for the affection of the maternal figure. The advert is for a new razor with "Quattro" technology and with the product being a men's razor, the primary target market is obviously, adult men who need to shave but, it's the commercial's bizarre sense of humor that opens it up to almost any market excluding, maybe, Baby's Rights groups that would find the depiction of an infant actually engaging in a physical conflict with an adult male to be offensive or inappropriate.
When most other razor commercials try to confuse you into buying by stringing together a multitude of suggestive and/or arbitrary technical terms this commercial wins over buyers with hilarity and interactivity via online gaming. With the inclusion of some interesting, French rapping and the online man v.s. baby fighting game available, Wilkinson Sword has done a good job of enticing the next wave of their soon-to-be-shaving target market of adolescent boys.
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