Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Havainas, everyone wears it"

    Havaianas is one of the most popular brands in Brazil, and its main product are the flipflops. It’s funny to say “flipflops”, because in my country the word that we use to refer to the product is the name of the brand, which demonstrates its power and the monopoly that it has in the product. Formerly in the 20th century its target market was the middle class and low, and the differentiation was quality, durability and low price. In the 90s the brand changed its positioning, with a huge success; its price went up, lots of different types and models were made, and they did a segmentation, with flipflops to kids with mickey mouse’s face on it for example, to young people with the possibility to personalize the product by putting a strass or changing the color, and for adults and older people there are models with more basic colors, that’s why the slogan’s “Havainas, everyone wears it”. Nowadays, the brand’s expanding to other countries and its commercials are always funny and entertaining, and show a lot about the Brazilian culture. This one that I chose shows that expansion, with the three Brazilian guys watching a soccer game with the flipflop, saying that it’s their lucky charm and don’t win the game because three Italians cheering for the opposite team are also using the flipflop with the same purpose.
   The brand has its own stores but the products are also sold in supermarkets and basically everywhere, but not with the variety found in the stores, so you don’t have the same experience. The marketing strategy is amazing and very effective, cause it created a major relationship with the customers. I wouldn’t buy flipflops if they weren’t Havaianas, that’s something that doesn’t even cross my mind. And I can say without hesitating that I don’t know a single Brazilian that doesn’t have havainas or that has just one pair.

Marcella Galeotti

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