Monday, April 4, 2011

Lebron James Vitamin Water Commercial - Defense Attorney - HD 720p

Product: Around late last year, Gleaciau Vatimin Water aired a commmercial featuring two times regular season MVP, Lebron James. The commercial gain popularity with consumers and commerical success;however, athletes like me refused to recognize the brand and have developed a brand rejection because the selected target market Vatimin Water was persuing was athletes. In addition, athletes claimed that vatimin water lackd sodium which is an electrolytes( ions that conduct electricity when present in chemical solution. Although the product gain some brand equity in the market, its overall strenth strenth in the market for sport drinks was lower than gatorade which took 77.1 percent Promotional Effort: Vatimin Water biggest success was selecting the right channel to advertise its product, but even so that wasn't enough. A great product and a great promotion is not enough to make a product successful. Vatimin Water need a great marketing strategy that blends the four p's together well.

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