Monday, October 22, 2012

I am a Princess

I choose this video because Disney is a strong brand and always have amazing marketing campain,  This commercial show different type of girls and different ages and that connect with their target marketing where every young girl,  can be a potential customer. Disney always keep in touch with the customer, they try involve all the generations; the same movie that I watched, my kids will watch.Doing a good marketing research they have focus to watch the changes between the generation.
Disney thought about the princess concept and replied with “I am a Princess” , a video that celebrates the princess in every girl, constructing new meanings to the word and encouraging girls to conquer your goals.

Princesses of yesterday always needed to be saved and do not fit the current feminine reality. Today, we see increasingly strong female characters, determined and able to save themselves of the challenges.

The marketing campain show a new type of they try to bring back old values like bravery, trust, loyalty, generosity, kindness, compassion and the ability to defend itself and others are among the words behind this new concept.

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